Resources for Talking Circles & RJ
Talking Circles (and Restorative Justice)
Recommended Guide for generating ongoing circles to promote emotional literacy, to promote healing and to build healthy relationships.
Peacemaking Circle Seven Core Assumptions
- Kay Pranis & Carolyn Boyes-Watson
The True Self in Everyone Is Good, Wise, and Powerful
The World is profoundly Interconnected
All Human Beings have a Deep Desire to be in a Good Relationship
All Humans Have Gifts & Everyone Is Needed for What They Bring
Everything We Need to Make Positive Change Is Already Here
Human Beings are Holistic
We Need Practices to Build Habits of Living from the Core Self
Peacemaking Circle Seven Key Elements
- Kris Schweigert
Keeper or Co-Keepers Guide the Process
Ceremony, Intentional Opening and Closing
Talking Piece is Respected and Utilized
Relationships Values Identified as Guidelines
Storytelling to Identify Wisdom
Consensus as Decision Making
Four Stages of the Process are Present
TED TALK - Adam Foss
A prosecutor's vision for a better justice system
General Information
For schools:
Restorative Justice: A Different Approach to Discipline
Restorative Practices: Implications For Educational Institutions by Patricia Marshall, Gary Shaw and Elizabeth Freeman Faculty of Education The University of Melbourne, Australia
I had the great fortune to do a project with Deana Van Buren at the county jail in Alameda County, CA. (see below)
This woman is doing incredible work. Deanna Van Buren designs restorative justice centers that, instead of taking the punitive approach used by a system focused on mass incarceration, treat crime as a breach of relationships and justice as a process where all stakeholders come together to repair that breach. With help and ideas from incarcerated men and women, Van Buren is creating dynamic spaces that provide safe venues for dialogue and reconciliation; employment and job training; and social services to help keep people from entering the justice system in the first place. "Imagine a world without prisons," Van Buren says. "And join me in creating all the things that we could build instead."Learn more here -