For the family:
General Information
SUICIDE National Hotline or call 1-800-273-8255
National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIDA: What is Addiction?
For the person in addiction:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, SAMHSA: Treatment Locator
Social Service Directories: Office for Life and Justice Diocese of Oakland
Resources and Social Services
Peer Support Continuing Care:
General Information
For schools:
Restorative Justice: A Different Approach to Discipline
Restorative Practices: Implications For Educational Institutions
by Patricia Marshall, Gary Shaw and Elizabeth Freeman Faculty of Education The University of Melbourne, Australia
How Many ACEs Are You Holding?
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are the key to changing the landscape of our nation. How can we reallocate our attention to get this thing right? Have a look.
HealthRIGHT 360
Healthcare for All! Empowering people to improve their health, be free from addiction, and live their fullest lives.
McShin is working everyday to heal families & save lives, in our community as well as locally, state wide, and nationally.
KIWI tastes a golden nugget. It is delicious. by Studio FILM BILDER 2014


Facing Addiction in America: A National Summit
Healthcare for All! Empowering people to improve their health, be free from addiction, and live their fullest lives.
Full Report Here: https://addiction.surgeongeneral.gov